Around Town

Masterclass Lifestyle Workshops launch third batch of essentials of baking

By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

Six students registered to a day workshop “Essentials of Baking” , launched its third batch of one day baking class Friday morning at the Walk Mall in Salmiyah. Masterchefs Mariefe Torio and Ricky Laxa led the three hours hands on session.

The baking class kicked off with a brief introduction from the workshop administrator provided added and significant information brief history of the school and the successful storied behind graduates of the workshops. He is thankful that some Filipino bloggers have taken the interest to help disseminate information on classes to the public. The one day course have produced more than two hundred attendees and received their certificates of attendance from the master chefs.

The three hours sessions afforded the attendees information and hands on experience on how to create basic dough that can produce variety of breads popularly sold in bakeries. “This one day experience has given me an opportunity to learn a skill that I never thought I will be very good at, continuing this experience will someday open new business opportunities for me wherever I will be” added Allen Flores, an Assistant Administrator of a bank.

Certificate of attendance was awarded to each participant after the three hours session, tasted and brought home the baked products. Masterclass Lifestyle Worskhops wish to thank Filipino bloggers Pot TV, Ser Paul TV and Kuya Pasabuy for helping disseminate relevant informations on the workshops. Masterclass has opened it’s registration to the public. Interested individuals may call or send message to whats app number 55650296.

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