Sight saving new gel for eye infection

Scientists at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom have developed a new eye drop that rapidly reduces sight-threatening scarring to the surface...

Phil ASMAK to continue efforts to provide Filipinos with job opportunities

Marissa Fernandez, President of Philippine affiliation of Skilled Manpower Agency in Kuwait (Phil ASMAK) affirmed the organization’s commitment to open opportunities that will benefit...

Fasting before a diabetes blood test could be harmful

Doctors usually advise that people taking blood cholesterol tests should fast for several hours before the test to get the most accurate results. However,...

Europe in Disarray

It was not all that long ago – just a few years, as hard as that it is to believe – that Europe appeared...

Climate Change on the Menu

When we think about winning the fight against climate change, most people concentrate on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions from cars, trucks, and other machines powered...

Kuwaiti women achieved rapid leaps in labor market – Sheikha Intisar Salem Ali

Member of the Advisory Board of the United Nations Development Office in Kuwait Sheikha Intisar Salem Ali Al-Sabah praised achievements made by Kuwaiti women...

India tops remittances list with $80 billion

India retains the top spot as the country receiving the largest amount in remittances in 2018 with $80 billion being sent home by the...

App helps save lives in heart attack

A new smartphone app recently developed by researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute, headquartered in Utah, United States, could help in identifying...

New Flu vaccine approved

A new anti-flu drug Xofluza that was announced earlier this year in Japan has been approved for prescription by the Food and Drug Administration...

Lab-grown retinas explain color vision

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the United States have grown human eye retinas from scratch in the laboratory to determine how cells allow...

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