Kuwait denies entry to nine suspected of coronavirus infection

A virulent type of Coronavirus that first appeared in China and has so far caused the death of nearly a 100, and infections among...

Oil, shares fall as coronavirus fears stalk financial markets

Oil prices and Asian shares skidded lower on Monday as concerns grew over the potential impact of a China virus outbreak, with safe-haven assets such...

PM praises Kuwait’s UN Security Council successful period

His Highness Kuwait's Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled AlHamad Al-Sabah on Monday praised his country's tenure in the UN Security Council, saying it was...

Kuwaiti NGO participates in UN Day of Education

Head of Al-Nowair foundation Sheikha Intisar Salem Al-Ali AlSabah, said Saturday the Kuwaiti NGO was, for the first time ever, taking part in a...

Three rockets hit US embassy in Baghdad, America holds Iran-backed militias responsible

The United States embassy in Iraq’s capital Baghdad was hit by at least three rockets late on Sunday night, BBC reported. According to Reuters, at...

China virus death toll now at 80, more than 2,700 cases confirmed

China said on Monday that the death toll from a deadly outbreak of coronavirus jumped to 80 as the hard-hit province of Hubei announced 24 new fatalities,...

Al-Jarallah points out Filipino FM remark infringes on jurisdictions of Kuwait security, judiciary

Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah has called the Filipino foreign secretary's recent remark about the case of the Filipino national in Kuwait as an...

Company sells visas to professional beggars

Officials from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, investigating the recent case of a Kuwaiti and an Arab mandoub selling hundreds of commercial visas, have discovered...

Fishermen Union objects to MoCI contract clauses

Certain clauses in the new Charter on fish auctions published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s (MoCI) recently have come in for criticism...

Local recruitment offices to donate money to family of OFW

Several local domestic worker recruitment offices have come together and collected KD2,700 to be donated to the family of Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), the...

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