After Affirmative Action

The US Supreme Court’s decision disallowing explicitly race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions has intensified debates about privilege and social mobility in the United...

Western Distraction from Climate Action

It should be common knowledge by now that climate change is a complex problem with outsize consequences for the Global South. By 2030, most...

Keeping Small Islands Financially Afloat

It is too early to tell whether all the talk about reforming development finance at this year’s International Monetary Fund and World Bank Spring...

Promise and Peril of Generative AI

Ever since OpenAI released its ChatGPT chatbot last year, a growing number of analysts have been predicting that generative artificial intelligence will displace millions...

War for Talent Is Over

For nearly two decades, the battle for talent has shaped how firms around the world are run and governed. With firms deriving value mainly...

Beyond Industrial Policy

The United States has (re)discovered industrial policy. As President Joe Biden’s National Security Strategy puts it, the administration views ‘modern industrial and innovation strategy’...

Waking Up to the World’s Water Crisis

The world is becoming accustomed to the drip-drip of catastrophic headlines following each new climate-driven disaster. Increasingly frequent and severe heat-waves are causing wildfires...

Another Predictable Bank Failure

The run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), on which nearly half of all venture-backed tech start-ups in the United States depend, is in part...

Book bans and culture-wars

The United States is in the midst of a book-banning frenzy. According to PEN America, 1,648 books were prohibited in public schools across the...

New Front Line of the Education Crisis

Pakistan’s catastrophic floods last year not only reminded us of the perils of climate change, they also exposed the fact that tens of millions...

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