Home Health Page 322


Gut bacteria may influence drug effectiveness in diabetes

Diabetes has grown into a ‘global pandemic’, with more than 415 million people worldwide affected by type 2 diabetes. Although there is yet no...

Fake medical news

If you believed every health news you read online, you might decide you no longer needed a doctor. Search online for just about any...

Anxiety and depression affect physical health

A new study that investigates the physical health risks of psychiatric conditions shows that depression and anxiety could be just as bad for your...

Hearing loss reversed by re-growing ear hair

Humans are unable to reverse the effects of hearing loss and according to WHO hearing loss affects more than 400 million people around the...

CancerSEEK detects multiple cancers

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer and related causes claim nearly 10 million lives around the world each year. This heavy human...

Itching, scratching, scratch, itch, repeat

It has affected all of us at some time or other. We feel an itch that triggers scratching, but the scratching only makes the...

Metabolic benefits from even one workout

Diabetes is a major threat to global health and controlling blood sugar levels with physical activity and diet is key to managing or preventing...

Too much and too little sleep harms health

Sleeping too much is just as harmful as too little sleep, especially when it comes to raising the risk of cardiovascular problems and premature...

Kuwait bans import of highly-toxic herbal medicines

The Ministry of Health imposed Sunday a ban on import of a number of herbal medicines due to their severe toxic nature on patients'...

App to diagnose anemia… from fingernails

Mobile apps are increasingly changing the way we initially diagnose illnesses. For instance, you wake up in the morning feeling miserable and the app...

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