Home Health Page 321


Houseplants that clean the air

People generally rely on High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters to keep out harmful allergens and dust particles from air in their homes. However, molecules...

Breath analysis to diagnose several cancers

Researchers at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute recently announced that they have developed an innovative breath test that has the potential to diagnose...

Potential osteoporosis treatment from brain studies

Groundbreaking studies by scientists at the University of California in the United States have found that blocking certain receptors in the brain leads to...

Dealing with thyroid issues

Thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of neck at the base. This gland produces two hormones – T3 and...

Food allergy or food intolerance

Food allergy is common problem with many people convinced that they suffer from one form of food allergy or another. But new studies show...

Emotions affect our immune response

Previous studies have shown that chronic exposure to stress, anxiety, and negative emotions can have an impact on physical health of individuals. Now a...

Stethoscopes could pose health risk

People walking around in white coats and stethoscopes are generally considered to be medical personnel going committed to safeguarding health and saving lives. It...

Kuwaiti team develops needle-free blood type analyzer

A team, belonging to the technological department of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), had developed a needle­ free device able...

Kuwait’s Cancer preventive clinic receives 108 people since March – Official

A clinic for chronic diseases and early detention of cancer has received 108 people since reopening last March, vice­chairman of the Cancer Awareness Nation...

People get hangry when hungry

Have you ever snapped angrily at someone when you were hungry? If so, you have experienced ‘hangry’ (an amalgam of hungry and angry)—the phenomenon...

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