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The Transformation of Healthcare with AI and Machine Learning

The conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare continues to grow. Research in cutting-edge areas like machine learning continues to...

MoH official affirms 99.9% accuracy in AIDS checkup clinic

A senior official at the Ministry of Health affirmed Wednesday that a new clinic for AIDS gives out results with 99.9 percent accuracy. In...

MoH celebrates graduation of new batch of physicians

­Minister of Health Sheikh Bassel Al­Sabah on Tuesday honored 120 physicians and surgeons who completed post­graduate academic sources under the Kuwaiti medical board. The board,...

Kuwaiti ministry shines light on perils of addiction

Kuwait seeks to establish a closer rapport with international bodies in efforts to fight the dangers of addiction, said an official on Monday. Social ills...

Experts blame overuse of tech devices for health problems in children

The overuse of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and lack of parental control could have detrimental effects on lives of children, a...

Women gain weight when job demands are high

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden the predisposition of women to gain weight from pressures at the workplace have concluded that high...

Exercising for just 30 minutes counteracts a day of sitting

Vast majority of people who have office jobs end up spending a large portion of their working day tethered to a chair in front...

One-in-four antibiotic prescriptions unwarranted

Despite years of dire warnings on dangers of antibiotic resistance, from leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for...

World-Class research is gradually winning the war against cancer

Cancer is one of the key health challenges facing the world today, and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. There were 9.6...

Bacterial protection against flu

A recent study by researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States raises the possibility of using microbiome in our respiratory system...

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