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High-fructose corn syrup advances cancer growth

Growing volume of empirical evidence suggests a strong link between consuming sugary drinks, obesity and increased risk of colorectal cancer. Now researchers at Baylor...

Gene therapy could help regain sight

Currently people who become blind due to degeneration of the retina in the eye have only one option — electronic eye implants. Neuroscientists at...

Smartphone app to detect diabetes

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes kills over 1.6 people each year while high blood glucose level accounts for another 2.2 million...

Most medications contain potential allergens

Reading the tiny print on medications will show you that along with the active components in medicines, there is almost always a list of...

New treatment for heart failure, improves circulation

The body's organs and tissues require a constant supply of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to function and stay in good health. Heart failure arises...

Enthusiastic Echoes of the ‘Best of Indian Healthcare Expo 2019’

Exhibition concludes on successful note A two-day exhibition, ‘Best of Indian Healthcare Expo 2019’ was organized by the Embassy of India in Kuwait, in...

Ingredient in toothpaste, mouthwash may cause antibiotic resistance

Triclosan, an antimicrobial chemical used in toothpastes and mouthwash, may reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotic drugs by 100-fold, says a new study by...

Blood plasma, a potential baldness treatment

Going bald as they age may seem to be a fact of life for many men and women, but that could very well change...

Millennials could be most obese generation

According to new study conducted in the United Kingdom by Cancer Research UK, more than 7 in 10 millennials (those born between 1981 and...

Diet and healthcare

  While a lot still remains to be known about the impact of our diet on minute biological mechanisms, there is no doubt that the...

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