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Kuwait hosts 5th Holistic View to the Future conference

Children’s National Medical Center, the leading international pediatrics health system based in Washington, D.C., in collaboration with the Kuwait Medical Association (KMA) and the...

Balanced diet better than nutritional supplements

New research suggests that nutrients sourced from foods appear to significantly reduce your risk for death, while nutrients from supplements do little to lower...

Simple 5-minute workout improves blood pressure, brain activity

Could working out five minutes a day, without lifting a single weight or jogging a single step, reduce your heart attack risk, help you...

Unhealthy diet biggest risk factor for early deaths worldwide

Latest research shows that a diet low in nutrients caused over 11 million deaths in 2017, this is more deaths than from smoking or...

Kuwait’s Health Ministry says all capabilities harnessed to acquire more achievements to children’s lives

Kuwait's Ministry of Health on Saturday stressed its interest in childcare and harnessing all resources and capabilities to acquire more achievements related to children's...

MOH is keen to develop surgical sector with latest development

Ministry of Health confirmed on Friday that it is keen to provide its basic surgical and operational department with the latest medical equipments and...

Ultrasound could treat high blood pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure could one day soon reduce their medications by turning to a minimally invasive surgical procedure using ultrasound. Scientists behind...

Meal Times and Weight Gain

Evidence of the association between eating later in the day and weight gain, gained another boost from researchers at the University of Colorado in...

Strategy to Improve your Mood

People often have a favorite remedy that they rely on to raise their spirits when depressed or in a bad mood. A new study...

Prevailing test misses detecting diabetes

A new study presented at US Endocrine Society’s annual meeting says that prevailing hemoglobin A1c blood test to diagnose diabetes often fails to detect...

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