
This is how the coronavirus could change our lives

Constant connectivity defines 21st-century life, and the infrastructure undergirding it all is both digital (the internet and our social media platforms) and physical (the...

Rodent droppings, dead insects at coronavirus quarantine hotel

A video of rodent droppings and dead insects believed to be taken at Khairan quarantine in Kuwait has gone viral on social media. The...

Kuwait contains spread of coronavirus, no new cases confirmed in 24 hours

The Kuwait Ministry of Health, Ministry Assistant Undersecretary Dr. Buthaina Al- Mudhaf stated that there are no new coronavirus infection cases discovered in the...

IATA calls on Policymakers in the Middle East to support airlines

Middle East governments should consider providing support to airlines to help them manage the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, which has led to a...

The growing number of global events canceled due to coronavirus

Fear over the spread of coronavirus has already disrupted schools, cruise ships, and religious congregations. Now, it’s coming for your social and professional calendar,...

US coronavirus death toll rises to 6, China cases slow

The US deaths come as more countries report cases of the infection, and WHO says virus 'uncharted territory'. The US has reported six deaths from...

China looks to recover and develop effective treatments for COVID-19

Doctors focus on preventing disease progressing to critical stage as work continues to develop effective drugs, vaccine. As the deadly coronavirus spreads to every continent...

Coronavirus is changing the way the world says “hello”

Some people around the world shake hands. Some hug. Some rub their noses together. And some—many in fact—kiss on the cheek. But now, as...

Now 100 cases of coronavirus in the US, six total fatalities

There are 100 cases of the novel coronavirus in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well...

Saudi Arabia announces first case of coronavirus

Saudi Arabia announced on Monday the first coronavirus case in the Kingdom, identified in Saudi citizen traveling from Iran to the country through Bahrain,...

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