Kuwait holds parliamentary by-elections March 16

Kuwait Government will organize by-­elections for 2nd and 3rd constituencies on March 16 after the Court of Cassation slammed prison sentences on two MPs. The...

A Pope sets foot in Arabia for the first time

Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, began a historic visit to the UAE on Monday when the Alitalia plane he was...

Expats suffer in Jleeb & Hassawi

For many years, Jleeb Al- Shuyoukh and Hassawi area has been suffering from social, security and hygiene-related issues. In this regard, a member of...

Expats paid KD176 million in health insurance in 2 years

Health Minister Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah said KD176,644,485 was collected in expat health insurance fees during the fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, reported Al-Rai...

MoI to ‘terminate’ services of 50 expatriate employees

Ministry of Interior (MoI) last week notified about 50 expatriate employees that their services in the ministry will be terminated due to the implementation of...

Suspected fake certificate holders reach fifty

Assistant Undersecretary for Scholarship, Equivalency and Cultural Relations at the Ministry of Higher Education Fatima Al-Senan disclosed that the number of fake certificates referred to...

Experts blame overuse of tech devices for health problems in children

The overuse of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and lack of parental control could have detrimental effects on lives of children, a...

The Case for Digital Identification

Worldwide, more than four billion people are connected to the Internet, spending an average of roughly six hours per day on Internet-enabled devices and...

Data-Driven Gender Equality

At the current rate of progress, it will take more than 200 years to achieve gender equality and female empowerment at work. In many...

CBSE launches annual Pre Exam Psychological Counselling

For the 22nd consecutive year, CBSE will provide Pre-Examination psychological counselling services to students and parents. The program is designed as part of the...

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