EU High Representative Federica Mogherini participates in the High Level Dialogue between Yemeni and Syrian Female Representatives. (Photo by European Commission)

The European Union hosted the first High­Level dialogue on “Advancing the role of Women in Peace Processes” between Syrian and Yemeni Women EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, participated in the closing session of the event today, where the women representatives presented her with concrete recommendations, followed by an exchange of views on how to bring those forward. “In both Syria and Yemen, women continue to pay the heaviest price of the conflicts.

The women that I met in Brussels today are amongst the most active in their respective countries ­ politicians, health workers, lawyers, human rights activists; some are directly involved in the UN peace processes,” she said in a press statement today.

“Be it in Syria, Yemen, or wherever in the world, the EU has no other agenda than to achieve peace. We will continue to do our outmost to be at the side of the populations and of women in conflict,” she said.

“Once the conflicts are over, our support to empowering women in the peace processes will be transformed into support for their participation in the political processes of their countries,” she added.

Twenty prominent female political representatives and representatives from civil society, including academics and human rights activists, gathered for those two days under auspices of the European External Action Service (EEAS) ­ to share experience about the role of women in peace processes, mediation, peace building and conflict resolution.

Source: KUNA

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