Saving Generation COVID

The oft-repeated idea that COVID-19 is “the great equalizer” is a myth. There is no equality of suffering or equality of sacrifice during a...

Bending the Curve of Fake Pandemic News

Would you believe that the coronavirus was developed by a government to weaken its foreign rivals? Or that “patriots” created it to foment a...

A Pledge for Africa

The world will not be free of the COVID-19 pandemic until all countries are free of the coronavirus that causes it. This simple fact...

The Two Dark Sides of COVID-19

The apocalyptic images of the locked-down Chinese city of Wuhan have reached us all. The world is holding its breath over the spread of...

All Eyes on South Korea

South Korea is all the rage these days. Earlier this month, Parasite, from the South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, won Best Picture at the...

Social Democracy Beats Democratic Socialism

It used to be an unwritten rule of US politics that a socialist could never qualify for high national office. But now a self-proclaimed...

Europe Must Act Against ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’

In Europe, if you go to a public hospital seeking medical advice, you expect accurate, science-based information. You expect the staff attending you to...

Change of the Davos Man

This year marked the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum’s flagship meeting of the world’s business and political elites in Davos, Switzerland. Much...

Hostages of History

During the recent flare-up between the United States and Iran, US President Donald Trump tweeted that he was prepared to bomb “52 Iranian sites...

What Happened to India?

It’s a question I hear increasingly these days. International news media report on repression in Kashmir, mounting Hindu chauvinism, widespread protests against new laws,...

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