G7 Must Act to Vaccinate the World

‘Nobody is safe until everyone is safe’ is the defining mantra of the COVID-19 era. It captures a fundamental truth. Faced with a virus...

Triple Win for Oceans, Climate, and Us

Last November, something happened in the middle of the South Atlantic that was unusual enough to make a local northern rockhopper penguin raise one...

Rural Women Can Drive Green Recoveries

By now, most countries in Asia and the Pacific have proposed some sort of post-pandemic recovery package. Many include investments in sustainability, which the...

Saving Journalism from Big Tech

It is easy to forget that for a long time — long before Google and Facebook went head-to-head with the Australian government last month...

Silent revolution in economic policy

Something extraordinary has happened to macroeconomic policymaking. Partly owing to the impact of COVID-19, the old orthodoxy has morphed into a new one –...

Crafting a Diplomacy-First US Foreign Policy

United States President-elect Joe Biden has made it clear that diplomacy will be at the center of his administration’s foreign policy. Biden has pledged...

Ending impunity for crimes against journalists

"The United Nations should appoint a Special Representative for the Safety of Journalists, with the aim of enforcing international law and thereby reducing the...

Recovery and Renewal at the United Nations

The international community urgently needs new tools, ideas, and initiatives to meet the common threats and challenges faced by the United Nations’ 193 member...

The COVID Silver Linings Playbook

The human tragedies and massive economic disruptions caused by COVID-19 have rightly commanded the attention of the public and policymakers for more than six...

End of Western Opportunism

The confrontation between China and the West is escalating almost daily. The conflict is about technology, trade, global market share, and supply chains, but...

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