Malaria on the march again

Mosquitoes are often described as the most dangerous animals on earth, because the diseases they transmit – including malaria, dengue, and Zika — cause...

Putting Growth in its Place

After leaving Goldman Sachs in May 2013, I had the privilege of chairing an independent City Growth Commission to study the geographical imbalances of...

Seven Fallacies of Economic Sanctions

The sanctions imposed on Iran by US President Donald Trump have begun to bite the country’s economy hard. Inflation, seemingly defeated by President Hassan...

Creative Disruption in Health Care and Education

Governments are often more eager to invest in physical infrastructure — such as roads, bridges, and airports — than in human capital, through channels...

Sri Lanka mourns its dead, will rise again

Last week the world joined Sri Lanka in mourning as it buried victims of the coordinated bomb-blasts that killed over 250 people and maimed...

Data Protection is Social Protection

In recent decades, social assistance programs around the world have been strengthened to the point that they now benefit more than 2.5 billion people,...

Structure of a Diplomatic Revolution

It has been nearly 60 years since the philosopher and historian Thomas Kuhn wrote his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s thesis...

Digital Revolution’s Silent Majority

Statistics can hold brutal truths. We are constantly told that innovation is occurring faster than ever, yet the data coming out of the so-called...

Future of Economic Growth

Last month, I wrote about the growing divide between economic theory and real-world economic conditions, and reminded readers that economics is still a social...

Trump’s Most Worrisome Legacy

Kirstjen Nielsen’s forced resignation as US Secretary of Homeland Security is no reason to celebrate. Yes, she presided over the forced separation of families...

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