Squandering the Techno-Revolution

Public discussion of the effects of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) often focuses on the productivity benefits for companies and the economy, on the...

Technology on the Frontline for Girls

Today, 1.4 billion girls and women live in countries that are failing on gender equality, in areas ranging from education and decent work to...

A Reform Opportunity for the IMF

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Bretton Woods agreement, which established the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank....

Wrong Way to Educate Girls

Recent decades have brought significant progress toward a more just and equal world in areas such as poverty reduction, immunization, and life expectancy. But...

Alternatives to a weaponized Dollar

In today’s world, access to global networks is a critical source of power, but the resulting interdependence can also generate vulnerability. The power flows...

Can Europe become a Global Player?

The last five years have not been kind to the European Union’s foreign-policy prospects. A new great-power competition is shunting aside the international rules-based...

How can developing countries pay for the SDGs?

With objectives as far-reaching as ending poverty in all its forms and delivering quality education to all by 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...

The Great Crypto Heist

There is a good reason why every civilized country in the world tightly regulates its financial system. The 2008 global financial crisis, after all,...

Fork is Mightier than the Wall

The word ‘migration’ conjures images of war, natural disaster, and severe economic distress. All are important reasons why people seek refuge far from home....

Tackling Inequality is a Political Choice

The world has made impressive strides in reducing extreme poverty, but that progress has slowed considerably in recent years. The problem is clear: eliminating...

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