Death by Dirty Cooking

Each year, exposure to household air pollution (HAP) kills 4.3 million people — more than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. HAP is produced when...

The Lost Promise of 1989

After the collapse of communism in Europe in 1989, many dreamed of building a united and free continent with the European Union at its...

Oceans as an Investment Priority

The Earth’s oceans face many threats, none of which have quick fixes. Still, the solutions are known, and with a sufficiently broad coalition of...

Fact-Checking Can Win the Fight Against Misinformation

According to fact-checkers at the Washington Post, US President Donald Trump has made more than 13,000 false or misleading claims since his inauguration. It...

Child Marriage is Stunting Development

At last month’s United Nations summit on the Sustainable Development Goals, child marriage did not get top billing. Yet ending this cruel practice -...

No More Half-Measures on Corporate Taxes

Globalization has gotten a bad rap in recent years, and often for good reason. But some critics, not least US President Donald Trump, place...

Greta Thunberg’s Moment

“This is all wrong!” These words begin the most powerful four-minute speech I have ever heard. They were spoken by Greta Thunberg, the Swedish...

Empowering Africa’s Women Farmers

Over 60 percent of all employed women in Sub-Saharan Africa work in agriculture. Yet the region’s women farmers often reap a meager harvest, not...

Preventing Digital Feudalism

The use and abuse of data by Facebook and other tech companies are finally garnering the official attention they deserve. With personal data becoming...

Regulating Cyberwarfare

Whether or not a conflict spirals out of control depends on the ability to understand and communicate about the scale of hostility. Unfortunately, when...

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