Scaling Up Sustainable Infrastructure

Climate change is arguably the most pressing global challenge today, and we are not tackling it quickly enough. The 2015 Paris climate agreement aims...

Putting a price on soil

On December 5, the world marked World Soil Day. The theme this year, ‘Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future’, was chosen to raise awareness...

Another Year of Living Dangerously

The year 2019 is ending with widespread demonstrations, rising inequality, and a crisis of representation in many countries. The world is sleepwalking toward recession...

Automating Segregation

There are many legitimate complaints about work in the ‘gig economy’. But, in time, many of the gigs will be automated, eliminating a significant...

Hardening of Soft Power

International-relations theorists generally distinguish between soft and hard power. Soft power refers to the exercise of political influence through flexible, non-binding instruments such as...

A World Without AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

As part of the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development, the international community set itself the ambitious goal of eradicating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria...

When Is Knowledge Power?

Nowadays, most of us have vast amounts of information at our fingertips. In theory, that information could help improve governance, infrastructure, and delivery of...

Is Huawei Really More Dangerous than Facebook?

The United States and some of its allies have acted decisively to exclude the Chinese technology company Huawei from their national markets, yet they...

Green Roofs in the Middle East: possible and practical?

Roofs filled with foliage and vegetable gardens are taking root in cities across North America and Western Europe. Otherwise known as green roofs, these...

Green Deal Will Make or Break Europe

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s ambition to lead a “geopolitical commission” is about to face its first big test. European heads of...

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