Climate change a real threat to region

THE TIMES KUWAIT REPORT The successful global climate conference COP27 in Egypt in November and the planned holding of COP28 in the United Arab Emirates...

Sleepwalking Into a Global Trade War

The world is embroiled in a megacrisis comprising the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, high inflation, recession fears, and rising debt distress across...

Resisting Fossil-Fuel Nostalgia in Italy

In the face of Europe’s energy crisis, political and economic leaders in Italy, the European Union’s third-largest economy, are confronting two opposing forces. On...

Food Security Is National Security

Despite containing 60 percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land, Africa has been a net food importer for decades. According to the most recent...

Nature’s High Returns

The mega-challenges engulfing the world today, from COVID-19 to climate change, have highlighted the interdependencies between people, planet, and the economy. As we chart...

Disrupting the Disruptors

After a decade of unconstrained growth, when it seemed that a new billionaire was minted every day, the tech industry has finally hit a...

Ending the Austerity Pandemic

The world is confronting multiple, compounding crises, from COVID-19, energy, inflation, debt, and climate shocks to unaffordable living costs and political instability. The need...

Eco-Economic Development

The Earth’s biodiversity and the services provided by healthy ecosystems are under massive pressure from climate change and the challenge of supporting eight billion...

Climate Crisis is also a Health Crisis

The latest Lancet Countdown report, which monitors the health consequences of climate change, highlights the need to prepare for future calamities. Even as COVID-19...

Global Health, the Best Investment We Can Make

No one could have predicted the extent to which COVID-19 would erode decades of progress in global public health. And the world is still...

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