Waste Less, Earn More

Our world is extraordinarily inefficient. We waste enormous quantities of energy, water, raw materials, and food. We even waste our waste and the precious...

France’s role at the United Nations: Peacekeeping and international security

France fully supports UN peacekeeping operations. It is the second troop contributing country among the five permanent members of the Security Council, with 940...

Monitoring the Kuwait-Iraq cease-fire

Christian de COCKBORNE Please tell us a little bit about your career. I am Christian de COCKBORNE. I joined the French army in 1979 and became...

Honoring the Blue Berets

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, 29 May, offers an opportunity for the global community to pay tribute to the uniformed and civilian...

Overcoming Water Scarcity Naturally

We must overhaul agriculture, by far the biggest consumer of water, to get more ‘crop per drop’. Incentives for intensive production that disregards wetlands,...

Tackling the Global Learning Crisis

Education has emerged as one of the most consequential casualties of the pandemic. According to estimates from UNESCO, around 1.6 billion students across more...

Unleashing the Climate Market

Progress against climate change has long crept at a snail’s pace, and the costs of inaction are increasingly clear to see. Hardly a week...

Struggle for Technology Sovereignty in Europe

Back when states regularly used armed forces to compel others into compliance or dependence, sovereignty was primarily a geographic and military concept. But the...

Fiscal Follies in COVID recovery

When COVID-19 went global about a year ago, the memory of the 2008 global financial crisis was still fresh, and policymakers pulled every lever...

An Open Letter to Joe Biden on International Corporate Taxation

Dear Mr. President, The world has welcomed your election and commitment to restore diplomatic engagement with the international community to the center of US foreign...

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