Fixing the Food Trade

GENEVA – Between rising hunger and the prospect of still more supply shortages, dark clouds are hovering over the global food system. Not only...

Financing Green Infrastructure

To spur development and fight climate change, emerging-market and developing economies (EMDEs) will need huge amounts of investment in green infrastructure over the next...

New Chance for the World Bank

Outside of the security domain, overhauling the World Bank offers US President Joe Biden’s administration its greatest opportunity for a key foreign-policy achievement. The...

Navigating a World in Shock

Make no mistake: We no longer live in a stable international rules-based order. The days of unipolarity and global liberalism are over, and we...

Best Way to Preserve Nature Is Also the Fairest

This is a critical year for the natural environment. Negotiations by world leaders in Montreal this December will determine the fate of the post-2020...

Childish Morality?

Consider the following statements describing our moral judgments: If a child is hungry, or hurt, the child’s parents or friends have a greater obligation to...

Rays of Hope in the Climate Struggle

We have grown accustomed to grim climate news. Despite scientists’ warnings and communities’ protests, catastrophic floods, record-breaking heat waves, devastating wildfires, and famine-inducing droughts...

Health Messaging in the Disinformation Age

As the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, recently acknowledged, poor public-health communication and messaging throughout the...

Inflation’s Emotional Scars

Until this year, inflation in advanced economies like the United States and the United Kingdom had been so low for so long that one...

Great Moderation to Great Stagflation

The world economy is undergoing a radical regime shift. The decades-long Great Moderation is over. Coming after the stagflation (high inflation and severe recessions) of...

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