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Unhealthy foods to stop eating

Although marketed as tasty snacks, certain processed and frozen foods are terrible for your weight and health. The following are a list of your favorite snacks and drinks contain ingredients that do nothing for the body, other than simply add fat.

Juices: Fruit juice is nothing more than sugar water and because there is nothing else for the body to absorb, the sugar goes straight to your bloodstream, leading to a rise in glucose level which triggers more hunger. Fruits are healthier because of their fiber content and they are especially good for people with high triglycerides levels and diabetics.

Fried food: French fries, onions rings, chicken nuggets, hotdogs and other fried foods… All those fall into this category. Because you are ingesting a lot of unhealthy fat, you increase the chances of suffering from high cholesterol and high blood pressure, as trans-fat blocks your arteries in the long run. As an alternative, use the spray oil that says zero fat, zero cholesterol or go for the grilled options.

Creamy salad dressings: Companies love adding sugar to creamy salad dressings, and also load them with unhealthy fat. This means creamy dressings typically end up having more calories than the entire salad itself. To switch, start asking for oil based dressings and vinaigrettes, as those usually don’t have added sugar and are made with healthier fats.

White Bread: White bread is basically devoid of any nutrients at all. During processing, the beneficial components of the wheat has been removed and the remaining flour has been bleached by a chemical process. This means when you eat it, you are simply filling up on empty carbs, mainly sugar. Instead, turn to whole grain breads and not multigrain. Multigrain simply means they are using different types of grains, not that they are healthier.

Frozen Food: To keep them fresh for longer, companies that make frozen food load them up with artificial preservatives that are harmful for your health, and are extremely rich in sodium. Sodium is known for causing water retention that leads to bloating. Frozen food are processed before freezing, which results in the loss of certain vitamins like B and C.   I know a lot of you think that frozen food are convenient, easy to store and readily available, but you must balance it out with an intake of fresh food as well.

Everyone deserves occasional indulgence, but think twice and watch what you eat to avoid the damaging effects of unhealthy food on your body, skin, and waistline.

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