If you are trying to slim down for health reasons or just to fit back into that pair of jeans, you will need a little scientific know-how and a bit of patience. But first you need to know that the differences exist on how our bodies store, process, and burn fat. Other factors matter too, like age, lifestyle, and body type.
Here are six safe and best ways to burn fat that will also maintain your muscle mass in process:
Do Interval Training: Cardio is not created equal. While it is better to do some exercise than do nothing, there have been plenty of studies that show interval training is your best bet to lose weight. This means to run for one minute, followed by jogging for two, and repeat it without slowing down too much so that your heart rate works at different speeds. It can be used on a rowing machine, a bike exercise, a cross trainer or even in a circuit class.
Cut Out Sugar: Sugar is your mortal enemy. Too much of it makes you fat, gives you diabetes, and also leads to heart disease. Those are becoming the biggest killers in the world. But what does this have to do with fat? When you limit your intake of sugar you keep your insulin levels stable. When too much insulin is released, the body becomes resistant to it. This causes more insulin to be released which makes you fat. Try to get your sugar from natural sources such as fruits. This sugar is more nutritious, has a lot of vitamins, minerals, water and fiber.
Lift Weights: The idea that weight lifting is only for people who wish to bulk is completely false. To put it simply, lifting weights increases your muscle. Increasing your muscle increases how many calories your body naturally burns in a day, your metabolism and makes you lose weight. Focus on weight lifting that gives you the best results. Choose light repetitive weights if you want to lose fat and weight at the same time. Remember that lifting weights keeps you lean.
Eat More Often: Restricting your calories and starving yourself will never work. It may work over a short-term period but in the end you become fatter. This is because you start losing lean muscle mass, which slows down your metabolism. When the metabolism slows down, your body burns fat slower. In order to get rid of the fat you need to eat regularly, start eating healthy snacks like a bit of fruit between nutritious meals. This keeps your levels of insulin stable and gives you the energy you need.
Sleep More: Sleep is one of the best ways to lose fat. Not getting enough quality sleep leads to an increase in cortisol, the hormone that breaks down tissue in the body including muscles. This brings down your metabolism, meaning your body burns energy poorly and you gain weight. Not getting enough sleep also causes fatigue. When you are fatigued your body makes you eat more to keep your energy levels up. Do your best to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Eat More Fat: That sounds contradictory, but the body needs fat as fat is responsible for producing hormones. These hormones are in turn responsible for burning away energy and building up muscle. If you do not have enough fat, you do not have enough hormones. If you do not produce enough hormones, then your metabolic rate is damaged, which causes you to gain weight. Stick to the healthy fats, fats you get from fish, nuts, seeds, avocadoes, extra virgin olive oil, olives, sunflower, and sesame seeds.
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