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Prepare healthy snacks for your school children

All parents want to pick the best healthy snacks for their children to take to school as they understand the importance of taking care of their kid’s nutritional needs. Introducing healthy food choices during your child’s early ages is very important for them to get the nutrition they require, and to develop healthy eating habits.

From fruity snacks to nutritious bars, your kids will enjoy these tasty choices. Read onwards for the best school snacks for your kids.

Animal chips: Find the best animal – shaped chip recipe, and bake them for your kids. This will seem more appealing and more fun for them to eat.

Funky fruits: If you are looking for a fun way to make your kids eat more fruits, this idea will work pretty much. Just slice two pieces of fruit that are relatively the same size and alternately stack the pieces in a fun way.

Popcorn: Prepare popcorn in advance for your kids, and put them in an appealing bag or closed cartons, same as when they go to watch a movie. You can add few pieces of candies in the bag, so that they get a surprise from a random sweet taste.

Apple bites: The idea is so simple. Just quarter and core an apple, cut a wedge from the skin side of each quarter, then use almonds for the teeth.

Carrot fingers: Cut and design the carrots. Prepare a tasty dip for them, like cream cheese, labneh, yogurt or any salty dip they usually love. You can use a small pot where you can put the fingers and the dip together or just put the dip in a small pot, and the carrots in a small bag on the side. Choose the most convenient option.

A tasty bagel: This is a very nutritious snack and even can work as a breakfast. Spread the cream cheese on the cut bagel, and set some crunchy biscuits around it with a pepper crown.

The combination of bagel, cream cheese and vegetables makes it a special and nutritious treat.

Wheat crackers with low-fat ranch or with hummus dressing: Children love anything they can dip, and whole wheat crackers are perfect and nutritious accompaniments for dips.

Put some low-fat ranch dressing in a small pot, or make a batch of nutritious hummus.

Granola bars: These bars are super nutritious, as well as being sweet.  They provide your kids with the needed fiber that comes from the nuts and the oats.

You can add a low-fat milk in the school box so they can have it with the bar, so now there is extra calcium.

So as you noticed, it is possible to make fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products and whole grains appealing to your kids.

Do not forget to concentrate on breakfast as it is the most important meal to have at the start of your morning. After that, let them choose their snacks after you provide them with the healthy options they can take. Your kids get to choose their snacks, and you get to ensure that they are eating healthy.

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