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Nutrition quotient in Amar Al Deen

I am not a big fan of Amar Al Deen, but since many people love to eat this during Ramadan specifically, I thought of sharing some nutritional information about it.

Amar Al Deen, or what we call the dry apricot sheets originally come from Syria. These dried apricots carry a much higher concentration level of nutrients than any other forms. Almost 10 kilos of fresh apricots produce three kilos of dried apricots.

They are a great source of beta carotene (the plant form of vitamin A), which gives it the orange color just like carrots, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe, and which acts as an  antioxidant for the body. It also prevents all sorts of cancer diseases.

Apricots are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps in preventing male infertility, osteoporosis, skin cancer, eye disease, prostate, breast and endometrial cancers.

They also provide your body with the most essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C from apricots.

Amar Al Deen is a great food to have during Ramadan to compensate for the loss of the essential nutrients caused by the long fasting hours.

It also naturally treats constipation due to its cellulose and pectin content. In addition, it aids in the digestion process, and so helps to digest food better if you take some before your meal.

Three dried apricots contain 65 calories! My advice is to stay away from the juice form, as it is high in calories and sugar.

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