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Maintaining your health while on holiday

Everyone travels, for many, being on vacation means relaxation, a change of environment, and the chance to enjoy with family. However, among a list of worries is deciding on what to eat and how it will affect your health.

Many vacationers find it hard to keep up their diet or eat healthy due to temptation of deliciously cooked food items. Others put on the pounds because they indulge in extra food portions of the unhealthy type, especially common if you snack in fast food restaurants while on holiday. Also, it is far harder to stick to the food timings in another country or area.

To remain healthy while on holiday, be mindful of the quality and the quantity of your food, as well as learn to ask about food portions. Other ways to maintain your health is to follow these diet tips while on vacation.

Engage in touristic activities that involve walking which helps in burning calories and most importantly, it’s fun.

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