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How to handle menstrual cramps

Many women have to deal with menstrual pain that can range from mild to severe, but for some, the pain is really unbearable. Changing some food choices and introducing other healthier ones can help a lot to decrease or prevent this frustrating pain. The changes should be made before or during your menstrual cycle. Here are some tips to handle menstrual pain.

Eat healthy: Keep a healthy diet that includes more fruits and vegetables, 72 hours prior to your periods. You need to have fiber from fruits and veggies to clean your body of the excess of estrogen which has been linked to heavier and painful periods.

Increase your intake of calcium, vitamin D and magnesium: These minerals are known for proper muscle function. They will relax your muscle cramps, and in turn relax your body. So before the start of your cycle, increase the consumption of dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt), nuts, spinach and beans. Most

Leafy greens, in particular, are one of the best vegetables to eat on your period, specifically spinach, kale, collard greens and swiss chard. This is because they are filled with iron, which helps to replenish the iron lost when you are menstruating.

Eat bananas: This fruit is rich in potassium and vitamin B6, which reduces muscle cramps as well. It also helps to reduce your estrogen level during your cycle.

Avocados and olive oil: These are excellent for you due to the presence of vitamin E, which helps to minimize pain and anxiety.

Reduce your salt intake: Salt can likely cause water retention and bloating that may magnify your cramps.

Go for pumpkin seeds: They contain a natural relaxant. Start eating a cup of these seeds two days before your periods and you will be pain free.

Use pickle juice as a remedy: Drain the juice from the pickle bottle and drink it. This remedy works very well for women with menstrual cramps.

Omega-3 prevents cramps: It also contains natural anti-inflammatories that ease your pain. Include more fish, salmon, oysters and nuts in your diet before and during the menstrual cycle.

Some dietary changes can be really worth it to help you lead a more fulfilling life, and avoid discomfort. Another tip is to spend some time doing regular exercises which can be very helpful for you.  Walking and swimming for 20 minutes during periods have shown to decrease pain in some women.

Hello Mam, I enjoy your column a lot. Could you tell me what are liquid calories, and how they can affect your diet? – Anonymous

Liquid calories are the calories you are taking from drinking liquids like protein shakes, juices, yogurt and so. Not only can liquid calories make you gain weight, just like calories from food, they do not make you feel full for long either. So, you end up eating more calories in addition to what you have already had to drink.

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