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Healthy oil consumption

Oil is very necessary for cooking, and there are a number of good healthy oils that can enhance your health and your culinary creations. Special oils have to be used for cooking that have health benefits.

Here are a few great picks,

Coconut oil:Contains healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) such as Lauric acid and Capric acid, which have anti-microbial properties, so this oil supports the immune system. It is best used as an alternative to butter and margarine in medium-heat bald.

Olive oil: They have the highest percentage of heart-healthy fat of any oil. Its antioxidants provide anti-cancer benefits. It is best used in salad dressings and for sauces recipes.

Walnut oil: Health benefits include lowering the risk of heart diseases, as this oil is rich in antioxidants and contains melatonin that regulates your digestive system.  It is best used in baking, dipping, stir-frying and for salad dressings.

Canola oil:  It is rich in essential omega-3 alpha-linolenic (ALA) and omega -6 linoleic acid that help prevent heart diseases.  Best used for baking and stir-frying. It is also useful for sautéing vegetables or adding in salad dressings.

Avocado oilFilled with Monounsaturated fat that helps to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol. You will find it beneficial for dipping frying and grilling.

Don’t forget one teaspoon of unsaturated oil has 45 calories, so be careful about the portion.

Never use olive oil for your omelette or for any stir-frying. This oil will be transformed to Trans-fat and so it loses all its health benefits.

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