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Health issues associated with a low carb diet

Foods high in carbohydrate on wooden background. Top view

If you are thinking of losing a couple of kilos by reducing your intake of carbohydrates, then you might need to reconsider it. Here are six things that happen when you stop eating carbohydrates:

Lose water mass: I know you all get excited to start a zero carb diet and see your weight drop on the scale. Well, do not be too excited because you did not lose the fat, you only lost the water inside your body. Actually, you start using the stored glycogen, which is formed by carbohydrates.

Fatigue: When you cut down on carbs, you start to feel tired and weak, as well as suffer insomnia, dizziness and nausea. This happens because the brain’s main source of energy is carbohydrates. Cutting down on that, the glycogen stored gets low or depleted, which results in a lack of energy. And did you know whole grains (carbs) are a great source of vitamin B, iron, magnesium, which are critical in maintaining energy levels?

Sugar cravings: As said previously, due to the lowering of glycogen stores, our body gets weak. But also, you will see an increase in your sugar cravings. So an improvement in the intake of fiber-rich whole grains can prevent blood-sugar levels from fluctuating and so prevent cravings.

Risk of cardiovascular diseases goes up: A diet rich in high fiber food, vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes as well as improve blood-cholesterol levels. So imagine what happens when you cut that off completely and replace it with high protein food.

Constipation: High fiber food is essential for your colon health as they prevent constipation and help maintain a healthy digestive system.  A diet high in proteins will be fiber-free, and so constipation is a nasty side effect as you are not getting enough dietary fiber.

Mood swings: Everyone gets moody, but carbs, no matter if they are whole grain or refined, increase the brain’s levels of the feel-good neurotransmitter ‘Serotonin’. High serotonine levels make us feel happy and relaxed.

A balanced and healthy diet has always been the best for a healthy body.

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