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A successful Ramadan Fasting… Ramadan Kareem

Fasting in Ramadan is simply a detoxification to our body. It is an effective way to clean our digestive system, and flush out all the toxins. The concept of Ramadan and healthy fasting during this holy month seems to be misunderstood by many people. They tend to binge on food from the minute they start eating until they stop. This is what makes them feel abdominal discomfort, constipation, headache, indigestion and weight gain.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. Although we may differ in how we prepare our minds and bodies, here are some tips that can help you adjust to the daily fast.

Because you are fasting for more than 10 hours, you need to look at the food you consume.

Consuming slow-digesting foods like fiber, vegetables more than fast-digesting foods like juices, white bread, sweets, sugary drinks, can be a good way to start. Fast digesting foods make you feel hungry again 2 to 3 hours after eating.

Why do we tend to gain weight easily during this month, even when our food quantities are still the same as before?

When we are fasting for more than 10 hours, our metabolism slows down. Introducing food after those fasting hours makes you gain weight easily. So, imagine what happens when you eat big quantities at one shot! Your body is no longer burning enough calories as your metabolism went down and you tend to gain a lot of weight.

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An hour after:

For Suhoor:

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