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Young woman assaulted by citizen in broad daylight

Not only was a citizen flirting beyond the bounds of politeness with a girl in one of the cooperatives located in the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, but it even reached the point of assaulting her.

The incident, which led to the arrest of the assailant the Interior Ministry operations room, stated that a girl was severely beaten by a person, in front of shoppers in one of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer cooperative societies and escaping from the scene. reports Al-Rai daily.

The source added that when the security men moved to the place, it became clear to them that the girl had suffered several injuries, so an ambulance was requested and she was transferred to the hospital, and upon interrogation, she reported that the person had been chasing her on foot since she got out of her car, and verbally flirted with her using obscene words, and when he saw that she didn’t pay any attention, he threatened her.

The source added that the girl continued that the attacker approached her, but she did not expect the matter to develop further, and she was surprised by him assaulting her, causing her injuries, before running away.

The source pointed out that the detectives conducted their investigations, resorted to CCTV cameras, and found the accused, who was found to be a citizen was arrested and presented him in front of the girl among many people, whom she recognized.

During interrogation he confessed to his act and did not mention the reasons. He was detained and referred for investigation.

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