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Writers’ Forum Kuwait’s monthly meeting

Poetry and creative writing is all about being positive and spreading hope whilst accepting the realities of life. This was well proven during the emotional conclave of members of the Writers’ Forum Kuwait where the poets met each other on 29th September at the residence of the General Secretary of the Forum, Ms. Nazneen Ali.

The meeting started on a usual high note with Ms. Nazneen Ali, welcoming everybody and rejoicing the escalation of the Forum with joining of yet another new member Dr. Rajesh Gupta.

Ms. Nazneen Ali expressed her satisfaction that joining of new members is a sign that the forum is on the path of growth and progress.

As a usual norm, renowned Urdu poet Ibrahim Qasid was requested to preside over the meeting while the guest member Dr Rajesh Gupta was invited to be the chief guest. The formal session of the meeting started with a keynote by the President of the Forum Mrs. Maimuna Chougle who welcomed the new member and wished him good luck for his activities on the forum’s platform and otherwise. Like her usual attempts to bring something new and commendable to the knowledge of the members while also attempting to introduce the members of the Forum to the larger literary world, Mrs Maimuna read an article on the poetry skills of Ms. Madhulika, an ex-member of the Forum.

The poetry session incepted with Ms. Nazneen Ali presenting a beautiful Urdu Ghazal and an Urdu poem showcasing her art of writing on different subjects. Sabir Omer followed the suit with his equally impressive Urdu ghazal and poem. The beauty of Urdu language and the exceptional crafting and drafting art was further showcased by Sayeed Nazar Kadpawi. Shabih Ahmed also mesmerized the members by his creativity.

This was followed by an array of Hindi poems on contemporary subjects each of which contained a message that was uniquen in itself. While Aamir Diwan recited a poem on reservation, Vinod Kaushik chose relationships as his topic for the day. Ms. Kalpana Shah was in her usual form and recited a patriotic poem.

The multilingual status of the Forum was maintained with Biswa Ranjan’s outstanding poem in Oriya recited along with a Hindi translation by him.

Ms. Sabiha Bilgrami, another dedicated member was also present in the meeting. Before winding up the day’s proceedings Ms. Nazneen Ali thanked everyone for their presence while the members reciprocated their gratitude to her for the savory dishes and delicacies.

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