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Women demonstration at Al-Erada Square demand freedom; ‘No to guardianship of morals’

The women who participated in the sit-in at the Al-Erada Square yesterday evening sent clear and firm messages to the executive and legislative authorities, categorically rejected the ‘guardianship of morals’ and restrictions on freedoms, and voiced which are hostile to openness in Kuwait, which once was the pearl of the Gulf.

Those participating in the sit-in were academics, political activists, and representatives of civil society. They stressed Kuwait is a civil state governed by the constitution and the law, and not by customs, traditions, and “fatwas,” reports Al-Qabas daily.

They expressed their dissatisfaction with the government’s acquiescence to the voices of the enemies of freedoms from MPs and others. They demanded protection of women’s freedom and rights, which some currents are trying to restrict and infringe upon and impose guardianship on their lives.

The demonstrators, holding placards, said they reject the restrictions imposed on them which some deputies are trying to impose, and which eventually led to the issuance of government decisions banning them from holding events or practicing in certain types of arts and sports.

The sit-down came in protest against the ban of women practicing yoga two days ago, and the participants affirmed their demonstration in front of the National Assembly sent a clear message to the nation’s representatives concerning reform, national issues, combating corruption, and advancing development, instead of interfering with people’s privacy and imposing guardianship on women.

They expressed their categorical rejection of the guardianship of morals, pointing out that hard-line voices are taking Kuwait backward. Several speakers at the Al-Erada Square protested the cancellation of the “Yoga” event two days ago, stressing that interfering with people’s privacy is unacceptable.

The speakers said, no to canceling yoga, no to confiscating freedoms, no to transform Kuwait from a civil state to a country far from entertainment and openness, stressing that recreational activities are a requirement, and necessary to embrace the energies of youth, as needed by all members of society.

Women’s activists affirmed that Kuwait will not witness development as long as the government approach continues to succumb to the enemies of freedom, pointing out that Kuwaitis travel for entertainment and spend money, so why not achieve this in our country, to save the people’s money on the one hand and on the other hand revitalize the national economy?

The women pointed out that the neighboring countries benefited from entertainment and tourism revitalization, and as an example cited what Dubai and Saudi Arabia have done in the areas of entertainment and tourism transformation which attracts thousands of visitors every year.

They put forward three demands
1 – Develop an urgent plan to open up
2 – Organize recreational and artistic activities
3 – The government must not succumb to extremists

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