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Whoever has Schengen can enter Bulgaria without a visa: envoy

Bulgarian Ambassador to Kuwait Dimitar Dimitrov affirmed his country’s keenness to deepen relations with Kuwait in various fields, especially cultural, which is one of the strongest and closest bridges between peoples.

On the sidelines of a concert that was held recently at the Bulgarian embassy, he said: “Cultural relations have a special role in bringing people together, and we always encourage our musicians and singers to participate in such events in Kuwait, which has always been very open to organizing such events” reports a local Arabic daily.

He stated that every Kuwaiti or resident in Kuwait with a visa issued by one of the Schengen countries can enter Bulgaria without the need for a Bulgarian visa, although Bulgaria does not yet follow the Schengen area, adding, “We, as a member of the European Union, fully implement the standards applied by the Schengen countries.” When the Bulgarian visa is issued, the arrivals must still have a visa to enter Bulgaria if they do not have a Schengen visa.”

He pointed out that his country has always called for the removal of visas for Kuwaitis, and its position is very positive, but there are procedures related to the institutions of the European Union, namely the European Commission and the European Parliament, to exempt Kuwaiti citizens from visa.

On the medical cooperation between his country and Kuwait, the Bulgarian ambassador said that he plays a very positive role in strengthening the relations between the two countries, and “we have many doctors and nurses who have been working for many years in Kuwait”, pointing out that “the number of Bulgarians currently in Kuwait does not exceed 500.”

Dimitrov added that direct flights between the two countries are one of his great concerns, adding, “I am seeking to revive this direct line again. There is an old agreement between our two countries in the field of aviation, and negotiations are still ongoing between with the aim of modernizing it.”

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