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Water consumption has exceeded production rate

The rate of water consumption on the first day of Ramadan exceeded the production rate by 28 million imperial gallons. The ministry said 433 million imperial gallons of water was consumed on April 2, while the production was 405 million gallons.

Informed sources in the ministry said, “It is natural that the rate of consumption during Ramadan days exceeds the rate of production, especially at this time of the year when a number of water production distillates are undergoing maintenance work,” noting that “the difference has been compensated by the strategic stockpile.

The sources reassured the ministry’s production capacity of 688 million imperial gallons per day. It is expected that the volume of water consumption next summer will exceed the 507 million gallons highest consumption rate recorded last year.

On the electrical level, the power consumption index is rising, recording the day before yesterday 9,490 megawatts, and the sources expect the power consumption to reach the 10,000 megawatt barrier in mid-April and will reach record levels and the hot summer weather sinks in.

The electricity sources have called on consumers to rationalize consumption of water and electricity, avoid waste, noting that the ministry is making great efforts to ensure that its services reach all customers around the clock.

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