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Vocational rehabilitation staff in the ‘disability’ seeking allowances stage a sit-in

Employees of the Vocational Rehabilitation Department of the Public Authority for Persons with Disabilities organized a sit-in inside the authority’s headquarters, to protest the abuse they have been subjected to.

The protesters said that their sit-in comes to demand the approval of their allowances, foremost of which is the allowance for the nature of work, the contagion allowance, and the danger allowance, which they have been demanding all along but to no avail, reports Al-Qabas daily.

They added that the Authority’s officials are satisfied saying they have submitted letters to officials in the Civil Service Bureau.

The protesters mentioned that the arbitrariness also extended to the deprivation of about 250 male and female employees in the administration from excellent work, despite their obtaining a report of excellence and their working hours of 180 days, as stipulated in the decisions of the CSC in this regard.

In turn, Mubarak Al-Baddah, Director of Legal Affairs at the authority, said that the authority is committed to the CSC decisions regarding shift employees, which stipulate that the duration of work for shift employees of category A be 250 consecutive days.

He added that the authority is seeking with the concerned authorities to approve the different allowances because it believes in their right to obtain the allowances.

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