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Vatican Embassy celebrates 10th anniversary of Pope Francis

The Vatican Embassy celebrated Pope Francis 10th anniversary as the Head of the Catholic Church, the Bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City.

The event commenced in the presence of the Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Affairs, Minister Plenipotentiary Muhammad Hayati and a large number of heads of diplomatic missions from various sects.

The Vatican Ambassador, Bishop Eugene Martin Nugent stated that Pope Francis was elected as the 266th successor to the Holy See of Peter on March 13, 2013, and before his election, his name was Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, in Argentina. He assumed the name Francis immediately after his election.

The Vatican Ambassador then praised the ever growing bilateral relations between Kuwait and the Holy See, describing these relations as distinct in political, religious, social and various other fields.

Further adding, that the two friendly nations seek to improve their cooperation in the fields of education, environment and social affairs, by also establishing deeper friendship in the areas of interfaith dialogue and social coexistence.

The Vatican embassy hopes to build more churches to allow the growing Catholic community of currently approximately 300,000 people to have more holy places to worship.

These Holy places will be compatible with safety and health regulations with a firm convection that these places of worship will contribute to peace and social coexistence.

The Vatican embassy concluded the event by expressing their gratitude on behalf of the Holy See to Kuwait and its members of the government and the Kuwaiti people, for their kindness and cooperation.

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