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Uzbekistan President’s congratulates people on Constitution Day anniversary

The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on 8 December, 1992. The Basic Law of the newly independent state organically incorporated the principles and norms of international law arising from the UN Charter, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and international covenants on human rights. The priority of generally recognized norms of international law over domestic ones has been fixed.

This year the country’s Constitution celebrated its 28th anniversary. On the eve of this significant date, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his address to the Uzbek people, congratulated them while noting that four years ago, based on the provisions and principles of the Constitution, an Action Strategy was adopted and the implementation of large-scale accelerated democratic reforms began.

He emphasized that on the basis of the constitutional provision, “The people are the only source of state power”, an effective and stable system is being formed in the country that ensures the supremacy of the Constitution and laws, in which not the people serve the state bodies, but the state bodies serve the people.

“The country is carrying out systemic and irreversible democratic reforms to ensure the principles of democracy, social justice and humanism, which are imbued with our Constitution.

“First of all, all opportunities are used to support and realize the rights of every person guaranteed by the Basic Law to receive qualified medical services and ensure strong social protection. Deep reforms are being carried out in accordance with another important constitutional provision — ensuring human rights and interests in all spheres, especially in the judicial and legal. This is confirmed by the fact that over the past four years, 2,600 citizens were acquitted, 2,400 people were released from the courtroom, the number of courts was reduced from seven to three, the judicial system was formed on the basis of the principle of ‘one court – one instance’. The country is consistently implementing the National Human Rights Strategy.

“People who did not have citizenship for a long time have now become full citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. If over the past twenty-five years, citizenship was granted to only 482 persons, now more than 50 thousand citizens have been granted the citizenship of our country. This will be a fitting response to the United Nations call for the importance of reducing the number of stateless persons.”

President Mirziyoyev noted international support for a number of global and regional initiatives, specific proposals that were put forward by Uzbekistan in September this year at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. And, for the first time in the country’s history, in October this year, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the Human Rights Council, one of the main bodies of the UN.

“Thanks to the improvement of the investment and business environment in the republic, the increase in tourism and export potential, the active implementation of the standards and norms of the International Labor Organization, Uzbekistan’s positions in international ratings have strengthened. Particular attention was paid to humanitarian measures for the return of our citizens, mainly women and children who, believing false promises, left the country and today faced difficulties in the region of the Middle East, where armed conflicts are taking place.” The head of the country firmly stated that the citizens of Uzbekistan will always be under the protection of their state and the Constitution, and we will continue to firmly adhere to this principle.

Determining further development horizons, the president noted the need to adopt new laws and optimize the existing regulatory framework, develop and put into practice effective mechanisms for preventing and combating corruption (currently a National Strategy in this direction for 2021-2025 is being developed), increasing attention to issues of strengthening peace, tranquility, interethnic harmony and interreligious tolerance, maintaining public order in the country, ensuring the vital interests of veterans, respected women and motivated youth, stepping up work to ensure freedom of speech and press, media independence.

Sincerely congratulating the Uzbek people, President Mirziyoyev reiterated his conviction that all citizens of the country, rallying on the path to the noble goals set, will become active creators of a new Uzbekistan.


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