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Uzbekistan playing a constructive role in new world order

By Reaven D’Souza
Managing Editor

In a historic address to the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to develop an International Code of Voluntary Commitments of Countries during pandemics, which would reflect each nation’s commitment to its citizens and international partners.

Addressing the distinguished audience President Mirziyoyev detailed the steps taken by Uzbekistan, which focussed all their efforts and resources to contain this dangerous disease and save lives.  Pointing out that Uzbekistan was working hard to jointly create a fair global system that ensured basic rights, freedoms, health and well-being of every human being.

Special funds were set aside to deal with the pandemic and President Mirziyoyev expressed his deep gratitude to all their friends and partners who have generously supported during the time of  crises.

He extended Uzbekistan’s full support to the international community’s efforts to effectively combat the pandemic, including the development and widespread use of essential drugs and vaccines. He also welcomed the proposal of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to hold a summit on the pressing issues of food security in the current context of the crisis.

In a speech touching on several issues in his country as well as globally President Mirziyoyev extablished Uzbekistan new role as an important and effective nation in participating to solve the pressing issues on our time.

Uzbekistan today has appealed to the collective conscience of the world by seeking to lead the fight against poverty in its eradication and proposed that poverty eradication be one of the main topics of the next session of the United Nations General Assembly while also holding a global summit on this issue.

President Mirziyoyev called on nations of the world to work on the basis of new approaches and close cooperation against common threats to security and sustainable development. He pointed at the central role of the United Nations as a coordinating international structure that needed to be further strengthened, assuring Uzbekistan always stood ready to develop a wide-ranging and mutually beneficial partnership with all countries of the world, as well as practical dialogue with the United Nations and its institutions.

President Mirziyoyev revealed that Uzbekistan was firmly on the path to implement radical reforms on political, social and economic modernization of society, adding that a new Uzbekistan was being formed.

Pointing out, he said the process of democratic transformations in their country had become irreversible and last year’s parliamentary elections demonstrated the growing political activism of the population and parties, the role of civil society institutions and the influence of the media.

Among the many changes he mentioned was that gender equality policy became a priority and the role of women in public administration was growing explaining that in the new Parliament the number of women deputies had doubled.

President Mirziyoyev briefed the audience on the great improvement of human rights and also the complete abolishment of forced and child labour in his country. While responding to a call from the United Nations to reduce the number of stateless persons, Uzbekistan granted 50,000 people were citizenship.

As part of the great transformation taking place in Uzbekistan, President Mirziyoyev said improvements were made in religious freedom, inter-ethnic harmony and inter-religious tolerance.

Other priorities, he mentioned, for the government were poverty reduction, job creation, improving the investment climate and business environment; while also building a modern infrastructure and providing targeted social assistance to the population through training people to new professions.

Regarding rights for youth, he urged support for their initiative to adopt the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Youth as well as to adopt a special resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on enhancing the role of parliaments in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring human rights.

President Mirziyoyev touched upon the changes taking place in Central Asia and the positive role Uzbekistan was playing to bring peace and stability in the region. He pointed out that they had managed to create an atmosphere of good neighbourliness, mutual trust, friendship and mutual respect among the countries of the region.

He proposed to establish a regional Centre for the Development of Transport and Communication under the auspices of the United Nations that would help to ensure deep integration of the region into the global economic and transport and transit corridors.

President Mirziyoyev reiterated Uzbekistans preparedness to hold the International Forum “Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations” in the ancient city of Khiva in 2021 in cooperation with UNESCO.

On Afghanistan, President Mirziyoyev emphasized  Uzbekistans support of the peace talks among the Afghan political forces launched this year in the city of Doha in September, hoping that these talks would serve for bringing in peace and stability in the long-suffering land of Afghanistan.

He urged the United Nations to remain focused on peace and stability in Afghanistan so that the dreams and aspirations of the Afghan people are realized. He also suggested the setting up of a permanent UN commission on Afghanistan that would address the concerns of long-suffering Afghan people while also promoting and facilitating the economic and social development of Afghanistan.

President Mirziyoyev raised the effects being felt on global climate change and threat to sustainable development of Central Asia and that the  devastating effects of the drying up of the Aral Sea was a centre of an environmental tragedy. Uzbekistan, he said, had taken several initiatives to do its part and play a positive role in reversing the effects, such as planting almost 2 million hectares of new plantations and forests among many others.

President Mirziyoyev address was widely applauded by the international community as a voice of reason, noting the great changes taking place in  Uzbekistan and its new role in addressing grave issues of  our time

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