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US Embassy congratulating Jews angers ‘some’ social media patrons 

A tweet posted on the US Embassy social media account in Kuwait, congratulating those taking part in the Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights – a Jewish festival) has sparked a wave of rejection and denunciation by a wide segment of followers, especially in light of the absence of Jews in Kuwait celebrating in this occasion.

There were many tweets and angry reactions from the followers of the tweet, and called for its immediate deletion in respect for the feelings of the society, as this holiday is marked specifically by the Jews.

In response to ‘Al-Qabas’ question about the reason for spreading Eid al-Anwar (festival of lights) greetings on the embassy’s social media platforms, despite the absence of Jews in Kuwait celebrating this occasion, the US Ambassador to Kuwait, Alina Romanowski, said, “The American Embassy in Kuwait has always celebrated various occasions of cultural and religious importance to Americans and Kuwaitis including Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr, Christmas, Diwali and more.

Romanowski added that “religious freedom is the hallmark of democratic and pluralistic societies such as the United States and Kuwait, and freedom of religion is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as it is part of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as well as Article 35 of the Kuwaiti Constitution.”

Asked if the tweet does not contradict Kuwait’s policy of refusing to normalize relations with the Zionist entity, Romanowski only said, “No, because the publication represents a religious occasion, celebrated by members of the Jewish faith in America and around the world.”

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