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US coronavirus deaths exceed 83,000

At least 83,648 people died of coronavirus in the US, Johns Hopkins University said, while at least 1,385,639 cases were registered so far.

The University reported over 16,000 new cases and almost 1,300 deaths on Wednesday. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump said he still believed schools and universities should be reopened, but instructors over 60 years old should not attend schools.

“I think they should open the schools, absolutely,” Trump said while meeting States’ Governors, because “It’s had very little impact on young people.

“And I think that if you’re an instructor if you’re a teacher, a professor over a certain age like let’s say 65 or maybe even if you want to be conservative, 60, perhaps you want to stay out for a little while longer,” he said.

He said the US has got to get back and it has got to get back as soon as possible, and “I don’t consider our country coming back if the schools are closed.

“It’s had very little impact on young people and I would strongly say they should open. It’s up to the governors, it’s the governors’ choice, but their state is not open if the schools aren’t open,” said Trump.

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