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US cooperates with Kuwait to ensure well-being of human trafficking victims

US Ambassador to Kuwait, H E Alina Romanowski, affirmed her country’s desire to cooperate with the government and people of Kuwait to ensure the wellbeing of the victims of trafficking and to bring the perpetrators to justice, Al Qabas daily reported.

Commenting on the US State Department’s report on human trafficking, Romanowski added, that for more than 20 years, the Trafficking in Persons Report has reinforced the United States’ conviction that this phenomenon represents a global threat that requires a global response. Human trafficking undermines the rule of law, violates human dignity, robs the freedom of millions, and threatens public safety and national security everywhere.

She added that this report is the most comprehensive in the world regarding the efforts of governments around the world to combat human trafficking, and also reflects the commitment of the United States government to global leadership on this major issue of human rights and law enforcement, noting that the United States was ranked for the first time in The Trafficking in Persons Report 2010, and this decision was made to ensure our policies adhere to our principles.”

According to the report, Kuwait remains at the second level and continues its efforts to make progress in this regard, as the government has shown increased efforts. The criteria for the report were set by the US Trafficking in Persons Protection Act and the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Children and Women (also known as the “Palermo Protocol”).

The report stated that the government of Kuwait made efforts to meet the minimum standards according to the report, including the continued use of a specialized unit to investigate potential crimes related to human trafficking, as well as increased prosecutions and convictions under the anti-trafficking law. The government sheltered victims of human trafficking and provided several services to protect them, and implemented new policies to protect trafficked workers.

While the report documents progress also highlights several key areas for improvement.

The report indicated that the government did not regularly use standard procedures to proactively identify victims and refer them to due protection services. Kuwait also continued to detain, prosecute, and deport victims of human trafficking, including those fleeing forced labor.

The report confirmed that some officials continue to routinely use arbitration and administrative sanctions to resolve grievances raised by domestic workers and other migrant workers, instead of investigating these cases as crimes of human trafficking.

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