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UNHCR and Ministry of Interior’s National Security College conduct joint workshop on emergency preparedness

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the National Security College of the Ministry of Interior concluded a joint 4-day training workshop on emergency preparedness.

This session is a continuation of the success of last year’s session, and within the framework of UNHCR’s exchange of its extensive experience, capacity building and strengthening with partners in this field, and its role for more than 70 years in coordinating emergency and humanitarian response to cases of forced displacement, whether resulting from disasters, wars or those related to climate change.

This workshop, which was presented by experts in field work at the UNHCR, aimed at exchanging experiences and lessons learned, and studying real facts based on examples from the field for emergency response planning at the local level. Emergency preparedness, communication with the media, foundations and principles of international protection, and the role of donor countries in supporting urgent humanitarian response efforts.

The workshop also included practical training to apply the theories and lessons learned through exercises to simulate emergencies and displacement. Commenting on the launch of the second edition of this workshop, UNHCR Representative to the country, Nisreen Rabian, said: “The Commission is always pleased to cooperate with the competent local authorities in Kuwait, which is a strategic partner for us, and to share practical experiences and lessons learned in areas of common interest.”

She added: ” We are proud to launch the second edition of this workshop, which is an extension of the success of the workshop that was coordinated by the Commission and the National Security College in November of last year. We thank the Ministry of Interior, represented by the National Security College, for its confidence in the Commission and its keenness to organize such important workshops for officials concerned with leading emergency response efforts.”

For his part, the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Security Studies, Brigadier General Huqqi, Dr. Abdulaziz Bu Dhair, “sensing emergencies, preparing for them, and taking precautionary measures to confront them is one of the most important works of foreseeing the future and strategic planning to deal with difficult challenges to national security.

Hence, the pivotal role of the National Security College and its keenness to enhance the expertise of national competence and share its rich experience in this field with organizations is highlighted. The areas of work of the Commission as an organization specialized in field and humanitarian work include coordinating the response to emergency displacement situations, whether within the countries of origin or at the international borders, or in countries of asylum, where more than 91% of its employees are present in the field to provide assistance and support to host countries and communities and people of concern to the Commission wherever were in the world.

At a time when displacement levels have reached unprecedented numbers, exceeding the barrier of 103 million forcibly displaced people, it is important to develop and empower the local and national expertise of UNHCR’s partners to prepare for emergencies more efficiently.

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