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UN World Investment Forum kicks off in Abu Dhabi

The United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) World Investment Forum 2023 kicked off on Monday in UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi with Kuwait’s participation.

The 8th World Investment Forum (WIF) aims to address key investment challenges caused by today’s multiple global crises, including the need to invest in food security, energy, health, supply chain resilience and productive capacity growth in the poorest countries, all under the established WIF theme of “Investing in Sustainable Development”.

UNCTAD World Investment Forum is a biennial multi-stakeholder gathering at the level of Heads of state and government, CEOs, ministers and heads of international organizations,
designed to facilitate dialogue and action on the world’s current and emerging investment development challenges.

Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) Ahmad Al Zaabi stated in a press release that “hosting the Forum in Abu Dhabi reflects our leadership’s vision and unwavering commitment to enhance international cooperation and collective action to develop innovative solutions benefitting the global community.” He added, “We are leveraging on the strong fundamentals of our soaring ‘Falcon Economy’ to achieve the UN sustainable development goals and contribute positively to shaping a brighter future for humanity.

The Forum offers diverse opportunities for participants and vibrant global networking environment, allowing them to socialize with top-tier investment professionals, share experiences, and forge potential collaborations.

Source: KUNA

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