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UN commends Kuwait’s relentless work against rumors

UN Secretary-General Representative Tarek Al-Sheikh on Sunday commended Kuwait’s Information Ministry for relentlessly working against rumors amidst spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-10. Al-Sheikh, also Resident Coordinator in Kuwait, said the ministry’s “Tahaqaq” platform – – reflected determination to fighting rumors and misleading information related to the virus.

Al-Sheikh made the remarks in a statement marking the World Press Freedom Day which was celebrated by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizaiton (UNESCO) under the motto: Journalism Without Fear of Favor. The government of Kuwait, he said, has always called on individuals to seek information from reliable sources.

In a sign of seriousness, he added, the government took legal action against rumor-mongers. “Spreading of rumors has negative impacts in these difficult times,” said Al-Sheikh, and this would undermine society’s morale and the government’s ability to overcome “dangerous health challenges,” as well as spreading panic and fear amongst people.

Anna Paolini, Director of UNESCO’S Representative in the Arab Gulf States and Yemen, underlined important role of the press in the fight against coronavirus. The pandemic reminds “us that we cannot completely these difficult times unless we work together to boost a suitable environment that respect diversity, mutual understanding and free flow of information for all,” she said.

Therefore, said Paolini, there was a need for professional journalists who would help the society confront misinformation and hatred. UNESCO, said Paolini, provided a series of publications and materials for all journalists, volunteers and students to support their quest in the fight against COVID-19, which were reachable through:

An online event will be held tomorrow, she said, bringing together UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, UN officials and international journalists to discuss freedom of press. UN General Assembly set in 1993 May 3 as the World Press Day.

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