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Ukrainian embassy marks 31st independence with photo exhibit

In celebration of the historic day of Ukraine’s freedom from Russian invasion, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Kuwait, Oleksandr Balanutsa, addressed the attendees of the 31st commemoration of Ukraine’s independence on 24th of August which was held at the Ukrainian Embassy.

“The embassy and the Ukrainian community in Kuwait, with the participation of the ambassadors of amicable countries and Kuwaiti friends, commemorate the 31st anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. Throughout history, Ukraine has always chosen to fight for independence, freedom, the right to live and a better future for its people,” Ambassador Balanutsa said.

He added that since 1991, when Ukraine first regained its independence from the Soviet Union, the country is back to fight again for emancipation.

“Our meeting with the members of the community at the embassy was intended to thank the State of Kuwait for its condemnation of the official invasion of our country, in addition to its support for us during the Covid-19 pandemic. I would like to express my thanks to all those who came today to express their solidarity and love for Ukraine,” he continued.

As part of the celebration of Ukraine’s independence, the embassy hosted a photo exhibit, titled “War in the heart of Europe”, to depict how the war in Ukraine has a direct impact on the European continent and other countries. It tackled Ukraine’s liberation from the Russian invasion, as well as the real situation in the country.

On the other hand, the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy in the country, James Holsteinder, graced the event to show America’s full support for Ukraine, citing President Joe Biden’s statement that “the United States is committed to supporting Ukraine in the face of this unjustified Russian aggression, and to remind everyone that Russia is solely responsible for all the challenges we face in the heart of Europe at the moment.”

“This is the biggest evidence of the United States’ full support for Ukraine to defeat Russian aggression,” he added, expressing his appreciation to Kuwait for its supportive stance for Ukraine in the Security Council, in addition to its generous donations in support of the Ukrainian people during this crisis.

Meanwhile, British Ambassador Belinda Lewis, who attended with her family, offered cakes bearing the colors of the Ukrainian flag as an expression of the United Kingdom’s support for Ukraine throughout the war, and to remind the world not to forget what this war has done to Ukraine. She also stressed on continuing to support Ukraine.

“What matters to Europe now is the rise in energy prices, and this was what Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed during his visit two days ago to Kiev, considering that this is the price that we must pay because the Ukrainians are paying with their blood,” Ambassador Lewis said.

“We must also not retreat from our position in support of Ukraine, because the war is becoming more difficult day by day, and we must not stop supporting the Ukrainian people,” she added.

Ambassador Lewis warned against ending support for Ukraine as Moldova and Georgia could be Russia’s next targets. The British minister also praised Kuwait’s position in the conflict, stating that the country’s condemnation of the war is in line with Britain’s stance. “Kuwait’s condemnation of the war on Ukraine was very clear since the beginning of the crisis in the Security Council, through its opposition to this Russian invasion, similar to Britain,” she said.

The ceremony ended with the Ukrainian ambassador honouring a group of Kuwaiti citizens who supported the Ukrainian cause since its inception.

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