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UAE tops list of Covid-19 infections

In terms of improvement in the epidemiological situation Kuwait topped the GCC countries recording 71 cases yesterday, according to the statistics issued by the Gulf Statistical Center.

The statistics show among the other GCC countries the UAE topped the list of Covid-19 infections with 977 cases, followed by Qatar with 189, Saudi Arabia 124, Bahrain 105 cases and Oman with 80.

On the recovery front, the Al-Rai daily said Kuwait ranked second with a rate of 99 percent, Bahrain took the first position with 100 percent, Qatar came in third place with 98.8 percent, the UAE fourth with 98.6, Saudi Arabia fifth with 98 percent, and Oman ranked sixth with 96.7 percent.

Yesterday, Bahrain did not record any Covid-related deaths among the GCC countries, while Kuwait and Qatar recorded one each, the UAE 2, Oman 3 and Saudi Arabia 6.

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