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Two intensive care wards opened at Jaber Hospital after spike in Coronavirus patients

Two intensive care wards for Covid 19 patients were opened, after the infected patient numbers recently increased significantly, indicating that the number of patients entering the hospital increased, according to the director of Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital, Dr. Nader Al-Awadi, Al Qabas daily reported.

Al-Awadi added in a press statement, that the hospital began receiving about 30 patients per day, compared to a month ago when it was receiving 10 to 15 patients a day indicating that the number of patients admitted to intensive care has doubled, which necessitated the opening of two other wards when earlier it was only two wings.

Al-Awadi indicated that 90 percent of hospital care patients are elderly and suffer from chronic diseases, and their health condition is critical.

For his part, the head of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Jaber Hospital, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Rifai, explained that the doubling of the coronavirus infection rate and the entry of patients to the hospital may point to the possibility of another viral wave and highlighted the importance of taking anti-coronavirus vaccines while being careful to follow health regulations.

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