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Turkiye commemorates 100th anniversary as a Republic

Turkish Ambassador H.E. Tuba Nur Sonmez held a reception at the Regency Hotel on 29 October to mark the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkiye. A large gathering of diplomats, businessmen, and a cross-section of the Turkish community in Kuwait attended the celebrations

Chief guest at the event was the Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Housing, Faleh Eid Faleh Al Rquba, who cut the celebratory cake along with Ambassador Sonmez to mark the momentous occasion

In her address to the gathering Ambassador Sonmez pointed out that the Turkish Republic was founded following an unprecedented struggle for independence achieved through the great sacrifices and efforts of the nation.She declared that 100 years on, with its growing economy, robust democracy, commitment to fundamental human values, and principled and visionary foreign policy, Turkiye would continue to be a source of inspiration for the region and the world.

Since its formation in 1923, Turkiye had undergone a process of massive transformation starting under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic, into a strong multi-party democratic state with a competing economy, admirable military strength and well-developed infrastructure, said the ambassador.

She further added that looking back it was impossible not to be proud of what they had achieved as a nation in the first century of their republic, from a newly born country reeling from decades of non-stop wars, to a regional power with a robust economy, a strong democracy and a mighty military, the first century of Turkish Republic has proven to be a success.
Ambassador Sonmez also mentioned that the Century of Turkiye represented a comprehensive set of goals beyond mere description; it was an ambitious vision that promised innovation, inclusivity and sustainable development to shape a future with a positive global impact.

On relations with Kuwait, the Ambassador noted that although they had a much older historical friendship, 60 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries would be celebrated next year with several joyful activities. She praised the level of relations with Kuwait as outstanding and were based on robust foundations that included strong bonds of friendship marked by mutual trust, sympathy and cultural similarity.

Ambassador Sonmez noted that under the guidance of Turkish President Recept Erdogan and His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, bilateral relations had reached an exemplary level and continue to grow stronger. The friendship between the two leaders had a huge impact on strengthening the bilateral relations.

She revealed that bilateral trade between Turkiye and Kuwait was growing annually and reached US$955 million in 2022, which was an all time record. She pointed out the recently signed contract by Kuwait to purchase Turkish Bayraktar TB2 combat drones, which she said were arguably the most popular drones in the world.
Turkey and Kuwait were cooperating in several fields which included tourism, education and health sectors and also Turkiye continued to be the top destination for Kuwaitis.

Ambassador also touched upon the great humanitarian efforts of Kuwait in trying to ease the suffering of the Palestinian people. “As our President Erdogan pointed out, Gaza is not only an issue for those struggling to survive there, but for all of us. Unless we put out this fire immediately, it will take us to a new spiral of violence that threatens the stability of the entire region,” she added. The ambassador affirmed that the onus is on the shoulders of the international community to address the root causes of the conflict, including ending the occupation of Palestinian territories and allowing the Palestinians to establish their fully independent state.

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