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Turkey, India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are the most popular destinations for travel from Kuwait

Seven countries topped the list of destinations most in demand for travel by citizens and residents in Kuwait since the cancellation of the decisions to prevent the entry of people from some countries on August 1, 2021. About 1.988 million citizens and residents traveled to those destinations from August 1 until the end of December 2021.

Al-Anba quoting sources said passengers traveling to and from those destinations accounted for about 78%, with 1.988 million male and female passengers out of 2.558 million citizens and residents, who traveled to about 30 countries during that period aboard 22,500 flights. This is in addition to about 250,500 passengers who used Kuwait Airport as a transit point.

Turkey topped the most popular destinations as it recorded 441,000 passengers during the past 5 months, while India ranked second with 369,200 passengers, Saudi Arabia ranked third with 326,900 passengers, Egypt fourth with 320,900, the UAE fifth with 283,600 and Qatar came in sixth place with 141,400, while Jordan was seventh with 105,000 passengers.

The total number of passengers who crisscrossed the Kuwait International Airport from August 1 to the end of December 2021 was about 2.8 million, including 250,480 people who used it for transit while about 1.18 million citizens and residents arrived in the country during that period, and about 1.3 million citizens and residents left.

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